Thrice - Hold Up A Light

Видео "Hold Up A Light" с альбома "Palms" #punk группы Trice (#Epitaph Records).
Участники группы: Dustin Kensrue - Vocals/Guitar, Teppei Teranishi - Guitars, Ed Breckenridge - Bass, Riley Breckenridge - Drums.

Hold up a light, steady and bright – cut like a knife through the cold and dark. These eager flames can’t be contained – cities are claimed by the smallest spark. It’s raining and I know we’re tired, but try to raise your lamps a little higher up. Hold up a light till the morning comes;
hold up a light till the world is won. Soaking and scared – worse for the wear – but still we dare
for the light of day. Darkness above, but we’re dreaming of the new dawn when love burns this
night away.

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