Jenny Woo is a singer/songwriter from Canada who started her acoustic oi! project in 2008. Folk music is music written for and by the people, and oi! music is music written about working class values and stories from the streets. Jenny Woo thought that by writing songs infused with the themes and values of the oi! scene on her acoustic guitar, the lyrics and the meaning of these songs would come through in a different and unique way. Since the beginning of this project, she has released 5 albums, played 500 concerst, and toured in 55 countries. The purpose of this extensive touring was to demonstrate that music and subculture break down the borders and barriers between us and inside of us. Her new album “Tear Down Walls” marks 10 years of this project, and is a testament to the fact that music moves mountains and creates community.
Midnight Blackout (MBO) est un groupe de Post Hardcore/Math Rock formé à Paris en Octobre 2017, et constitué d’anciens membres de Gaidjinn, The Great Divide, et d’Aphrodite’s Baby.
Notre premier EP, Hangover, sera disponible en streaming le 24 mai 2018 sur Bandcamp et toutes plateformes de streaming musical (Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud...).
Tout au long des compositions de ce 5 titres, le groupe a travaillé un son puissant et un groove oscillant entre énergie, aggressivité, mélodies et émotions.
Cet EP “Hangover” a été enregistré et mixé par Duff Rodriguez (Mejej Studio) et masterisé par Anthony (Huitish mastering).
Influences: At The Drive In, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Every Time I Die...