Хуй Забей - Верный способ

Архивное видео группы Х.. Забей
Песня с альбома "Говна самовар" 1992 года...

Enjoykin - Нецветные Розы (feat. Диана Шурыгина)

Российский видеоблогер Enjoykin не мог не сделать свой микс на ставшую знаменитой жертву изнасилования Диану Шурыгину. Текст песни под названием «Нецветные розы» получился весьма оригинальным, а героиня предстает перед нами именно в том образе, какой она выбрала в самом начале всей этой истории.

Architects - Gravity

Участники группы:

Sam Carter - Vocals
Tom Searle - Guitars
Dan Searle - Drums
Alex Edwin Dean - Bass
Adam Christianson – Guitars

Born As Lions - Trapped in a Box

„United we stay strong as one big family“ so heißt es in den Texten von Born As Lions.
Ihre Lieder handeln von Selbstfindung, nie vergehende Kindheit, Trends und politische/allgemeine Geschehnisse auf der Welt.

Musikalisch sind Born As Lions im Hardcore verwurzelt, der durch viele schnelle Parts, Breakdowns und prägnante Melodien ins Ohr geht.

Gegründet 2015 haben sich die Jungs ins Studio begeben um eine Demo mit 2 Liedern aufzunehmen.

Seit April 2015 beweist die Band mit Ihren energiegeladenen Liveshows, das Sie auf 
die Bühne gehören.

Das erste Lied “Pathetic“ wurde im August 2015 veröffentlicht.

Im Dezember haben die Jungs ihr DIY Video zu dem zweiten Song „Wolfpath“ veröffentlicht und ihre zwei Lieder auf über 10 Plattformen wie z.B. Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon usw. hoch geladen.

Für 2016 steht eine EP an. Shows werden weiterhin fleißig gesucht und gespielt.

Defender - Until Dawn

 Defender is a Post-Hardcore band formed in Baden Switzerland in 2014. The band decided to start this journey after the dissolving of their old bands. To create music, to share and to feel a sense of passion and emotions are probably the main reasons that keeps this band alive.
Defender is known for their explosive live-shows with a lot of passion, emotions, honesty, and heartblood...

Stylistically, the band travels from Hardcore Punk to Melodic Hardcore with influences from the likes of While She Sleeps, Heart in Hand or Silverstein.

The debut EP “We Don't Remember Days/We Remember Moments” is out now.

Kill Her First - The One

Now the time has come to take away the pain from you. Cause a star is burning all the way down to the earth! 
You will always be the one & only shining bright. I will always be the one & only on your side. 
You will never be the one & only always right. Who's always - right! Who's alway - right! 
And if there is a day when everything goes fucking wrong. I ll make you believe you are born to be that strong! 

I will always be the one & only shining bright. You will always be the one & only on my side. 
I will never be the one & only always right. Whooo's alwaaaays - riigghhht! 
Whooo's alwaaaays - riigghhht! Whooo's alwaaaays - riigghhht! 
We are not the ones, we are not the ones, we are not the ones....to blame! 
You will always be the one & only shining bright. I will always be the one & only on your side. 
You will never be the one & only always right. Who's always - right! Who's always - right!

With Confidence - Long Night

Won't you turn around and please look at me,
For everything we are, everything we've been?
I promise I'll be good if you stay with me. 
But everything we are it just went away, 
With a slight of a tongue and a sour taste,
I cannot recall I can't explain. 

But I remember the nights when'd you lie with me,
When we'd talk and we'd touch and fall asleep
I'd wake up in your arms and I'd feel at ease. 
It's gonna be a long night. 

But now it's just me and I lie awake
And I toss and turn and see your face
When I wake from a dream it won't go away

I still have your shirt in my dresser draw, the one with the stripes that you liked in store.
But everything has changed, I wanted more
Oh how it's raining, oh how the water falls 
Into the safe things we tried to set in stone
I can't replace you, I can't escape you now

Trophy Eyes - Counting Sheep

I keep my days open for sleeping in.

A late night phone call,
From someone you don't miss.
You keep them alive,
With simple small talk shit.
Uncomfortably honest,
And honestly lonely.
You've got somewhere to be,
Hey man don't worry about me.

The city stopped moving,
And I'm alone with my secrets.
I could probably hang myself with the curtains.

This is a story of a man,
Morning coffee in his hand,
With front row seats to old repeats,
Of a highlight real for years - yeah!
All the things I never said,
Are doing circles in my head.
Like counting sheep with no relief
Just another night alone - yeah.

Please don't let me leave on my own tonight.
I'll wait in your driveway in case you change your mind.
We can keep drinking 'til it feels alright.
We don't have to talk we can just be alive.

Uncomfortably honest,
And honestly lonely.