Citylights - Wounds

CityLights are bunch of guys who worship the ideals of dirty rock’n’roll and hardcore.
It’s quite obvious given all members come from the industrial suburbs of Prague where filth and drug dealing is part of everyday.
The band formed in 2009 and after couple of rehearsals that were more drinking sessions than actual rehearsals the guys decided to record their first EP “Dickcheese” containing two songs. The EP was released by the band in 2010. CityLights then started playing their stuff live anywhere where was power – from squats to clubs, from villages to big cities. 

In 2011 the band left for their first tour of the neighboring countries – Slovakia and Poland where they were well-received by the local scene. First video “Paper Anchor” saw light in 2011. 
EP “Battles” is released in 2012 and it contains 5 songs including another single “My Dear” that is later accompanied by the video. Their most acclaimed single “Sugar Hill” is released in 2013 along with the video shot by Igor Zacharov. The video caught attention of local and national music TV channels and was included in the regular broadcast rotations. In 2013 the bassplayer Jendys decides to leave the band due to the personal reasons and Farky joins the band (ex Clou). The band catches second wind and starts writing new material. They record new EP that is planned to be released in autumn 2014 along with two single videos.The European tour is planned in support of the EP. The guys supported acts such as Cancer Bats or Stick To Your Guns at their Czech shows.

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